Alpha 4.1

Small Bug fix update


- Tutorial no longer loads for ever on the html build

- Fixed world names having underscores in them

- Fixed loading tutorial world in html 'deleting' every world until you clear cache

Files Play in browser
Jul 30, 2022


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Hey big crispy why not make a downloadable version? Also why are you doing shameless self promotion in all things labled minecraft?

I am in the works of a downloadable version for windows! Also tbh it's not really shameless promotion, as I am trying to direct people who aren't to tech knowledgeable from games that are clearly malicious in intent (Zip bombs, Malaware, spyware) or simply pages that just straight up have no game. I would never take views away from people that actually try and make a actual game, so I hope I am able to clear that up.


oh, I never looked at it that way... Thanks tho!